
Friday, September 24, 2010

MORE house

Thought I would post some quick pics from last weekend before I updated again tomorrow with this weeks progress

Saturday, September 11, 2010


So we went for a little drive up to Chewton today to see how it was all progressing, to be honest I thought it was just going to be a dirty big slab of concrete and mud to look at but to my very pleasant surprise the frame has started to go up.

I HAVE A HOUSE.... well sort of, the trusses are up on the east half of the building and all the walls are up, I did the usual thing (Steve said clients always do) and commented how small it felt, followed shortly after by how big I thought it was, followed by indecision & confusion.

The space feels great and the ceiling height in the main space is going to be huge, I am absolutely chuffed with the position of the house and how it relates to the landscape and existing trees, it will hopefully feel like it has been there all along.

Reality dawns...... I will soon be living here and there is so much to organize, but if you know me you will know that I relish in organizing (thanks for passing that on Mum (no really it’s a blessing)) currently I have two of everything for the house and the shed (or as I am fondly calling it "the Arc") is bursting at the seams.

Well for now I might just have drink and contemplate the speed this project is traveling at now that I have no more red tape to cut through.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Rain Rain Rain

so the rain keep falling in Vic with a total of 65mm of rain of the weekend in Castlemaine I am more than sure that the site will just be a clay swamp.

not much news this week other than i finally have a price for the whole project and it is somewhat relieving to know i have not blown the budget (yet)

We will head up next weekend to check it all out and see what the slab looks like, stay posted for new pics till then, but for now i have a pic of Castleamine from the ABC rural website